Thursday, 28 May 2015


14th of May 2015 10:55am

Boom! Crash! The thunder roared, the lighting zapped. We had just come in from the rainy weather and a thunder storm started. The pieces of thunder were really long one of them went on for about 15 seconds. About a hour later school got closed, I was the second to last one to get picked up from my class. Finally I got picked up. We went down William Street and it was completely flooded. I was going to Marcos and Pablos house and the the man hole right next to their hose was bursting out water about 1 meter high. It took my mum 4 hours to get from Porirua to Petone.

By Joel

Te Papa and city gallery

                       Te Papa and city gallery 

On Friday we went on a trip to Te Papa. We went to see the great war exhibition. As we walked on I saw a bayonet, it is a gun and a knife put together. I saw terrible sights, it was really horrible. Most of the people from the exhibition were hairy and had fake sweat. We saw the Turks fighting the Anzac's, I saw how many people had died in war and how the Anzac's did the secret evacuation and the Anzac's trying to stop the Turks from taking over the boats. I saw the the shelters, inside was a uncomfortable bed, a small desk and a chair  the shelter was made out of sacks of grain. The thing I liked was the last sculpture it had poppies all over it. Then we walked to the City Gallery, we went on the sculpture walk. Man I thought, this is really boring! Then we got to the fun part and did some art, we made 3D boxes. Then we walked back to 
Te Papa then went on the bus back to school.

                            The end 

by Rosemary Lee 
year 5    

Samoan Language Week

Samoan week was very unbelievable, I learnt so many things. I learnt how to say the Samoan alphabet, count to ten, I learnt how to say lots of different Samoan greetings and words, I also learnt how to sing heads, shoulders, knees and toes. I learnt so much and I'm looking forward to learning more amazing words.
by Sean


This week it was Samoan Language Week. On Monday Phillip, Junior, PJ and Kacarwita taught us the numbers in Samoan, I know some of them. On Tuesday they came and taught us the Samoan alphabet and taught us a game. On Thursday we had  chop suey YUM!
by Zion
Samoan Language Week
Samoan language week  was really fun . First we got taught how to count to ten in Samoan and after that they read two Samoan books. We also learnt a game were you have to go around saying the number in Samoan after the other person around in a circle e.g Tasi, Lua, Tolu, fa so on so on. On Thursday we did the most activities, first we got some visitors come and talk to us about Samoa. They showed us things they make out of coconut trees. Then Phillip’s mum came and read us a book called A Big Surprise in Samoan, I’d heard it before in English. The last thing we did was eat delicious chop suey. Thank you everyone who helped make Samoan week awesome.

By Anna   

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Wild Weather

Boom! Crash! The thunder was rumbling loud and the rain was crashing on the roof. Woah! Everyone was admiring the lightning. The flash was a bright white light flashing from the sky. Parents started to rush in for their kids. Then I went to grab a drink from my bag. ''Amber come on!Let's go!'' Caitlin was running down the hall, ''Mum is here!'' So off I went. Grabbed my inquiry book and left. The rain was pouring down on me. Then the gutter was blocked and there was a huge puddle so I went around the other way and climbed into the front seat. Down Udy Street a water pipe had blown and the road lifted making water pour down to the foot path. A man was on the road since his car was surrounded by water. As we got further down the street everyone was looking at the tragedy that happened.
by Amber

City Gallery

'Wow,' I said to Rosemary as we took photos of the ball of ferns in the sky.
'Cool', said Rosemary.
Then we moved onto another sculpture and I was asked to read the template under the sculpture and I did. Then we saw a wooden sculpture of two fish. You could see the inside of them.

Then we made some boxes with a back middle and front. I made mine with a picture of the sea and some sea doughnut well that's what the boys called them anyway. Then I told Rosemary, 'Te Papa here we come'.
by Abbey H

City Gallery Sculpture walk

Here we are in Civic Square exploring the sculptures in the area.  The bridge has Ngeke and Whaitaitai the two taniwha, and several of the photos show us exploring them.