Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Kindergarden trouble

The wind was howling while I walked to the door. I glanced around the room to see if anyone was watching. My dirty fingers reached for the door handle, as it opened a gust of wind slammed the door shut. I screamed in pain as I watched the blood trickle down my finger. The teachers rushed to my aid and my favorite teacher Trinity frantically called my parents and my nana. As I sat down on the couch waiting for the ambulance, a dark haired girl called Brianna walked up to me and asked,
"Is that blood or red pen?"the sleeping gas  The sound of the ambulance's siren got me to my feet and I was rushed to the hospital, I was put in a white room which smelt like medicine. They made me inhale sleeping gas and drifted off to sleep while they started on my finger. When I awoke I was in a room with my family looking relieved.

by Kiara-Leigh

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